Projects with this topic
Structured RAII with error handling for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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Karma Krafts conventions and utilities plugin for Gradle.
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Dokka Serve allows publishing Dokka documentation directly to remote web servers.
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Deflate/Inflate compression APIs for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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Common Thread class (and snychronization primitives) for Kotlin/Multiplatform.
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A small Discord bot built using JDA to convert certain links in chat to their embeddable form
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A small addon for SecurityCraft to allow mods like Iron Chest to work with the keypad.
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This mod currently re-adds the radar from the Weather2 mod. It allows you to see storms up to 1024 blocks away!
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Allows for all your chat messages to be sent with a specific color
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A generic game replay library based on delta-compressed event timelines.
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An addon for Almost Unified/Forge that adds inventory and loot table unification.
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A small addon for ChemLib that allows adding elements and compounds using JSON configs.
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Native mulitplatform bindings for JNI.
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A Blaze3D compatible rendering library for Minecraft Forge.
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A mod which adds functional pocket computers to the game.
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ANTLRv4 lexer/parser frontend for Java.
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Provides integration between CMake and Gradle. Originally created by freudi74.
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Standalone Java version of the material-color-utilities library.
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This is a minecraft mod that add customizable cakes!
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