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Structured RAII with error handling for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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Karma Krafts conventions and utilities plugin for Gradle.
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[R]epository [a]ggregation [d]aemon for GitLab written in Kotlin/Native using Ktor.
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Karma Krafts error pages for Ktor server applications.
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Resource compiler tooling for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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Lightweight MMIO for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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Dokka Serve allows publishing Dokka documentation directly to remote web servers.
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A fork of the Kotlin programming language specifically optimized for Kleaver.
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Deflate/Inflate compression APIs for Kotlin Multiplatform.
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Common Thread class (and snychronization primitives) for Kotlin/Multiplatform.
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A lightweight logging framework for Kotlin/Native.
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A small Discord bot built using JDA to convert certain links in chat to their embeddable form
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Kleaver is a 3D rendering engine and game framework for Kotlin/Native.
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wgpu Kotlin/Native bindings for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android
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SDL Kotlin/Native bindings for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android
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OpenAL Kotlin/Native bindings for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android